Physical therapy helps make daily activities easier while promoting internal healing. If you have been in a car accident and you suffer from pain and stiffness, you may struggle to get in and out of bed comfortably, go up and down flights of stairs or even walk comfortably. You may experience a limited range of motion in one part of your body that prevents you from enjoying an active lifestyle.
If you were in an accident and suffered a muscular sprain, strain, tear, orthopedic injury or have had ACL surgery, physical therapy helps promote healing within your body, allowing you to recover and regain a full range of motion and flexibility. Most importantly, physical therapy exercises strengthen the body to resist future injury, helping patients of all ages achieve optimal health.
Depending on your pain or injury, our wellness team will design a plan targeted specifically to help your body heal. Basic body exercises and stretching routines will build flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination, and balance.